This week's virtual visit to #Belgium is my favorite so far, because it one of the few places on my list that we have had the opportunity to visit in real life! A few years ago, we spent several hours in the beautiful coastal city of Bruges/Brugge. The city name is spelled differently depending on which language you speak - remember that there are three different languages equally spoken in Belgium? It can get confusing when it comes to the names of cities and towns. However you spell it, it is pronounced like, "Broozh." While in the city, we packed in as much as we could, and we had a blast! We visited the most amazing history museum I've ever experienced in the Historium Brugge:
We relaxed over some waffles, beer and chocolate in Market Square:
Since Alice finished eating before we did, we sent her on little 'missions' to capture landmarks around the square in selfies while we ate. That's when we learned that her selfie game is on-point!
Belgium was just one stop along a visit for us to a few Northern European destinations. Since it was Summertime, we had assumed that Summer clothes would be warm enough for us, but we quickly learned that cooler temperatures were expected that week, and we needed some warmer layers than we had brought along. So, a quick trip to H&M in Brugge was in order to pick up a few things. I was not disappointed in this cool faux leather jacket that Alice found!
A highlight of the day was definitely a little boat cruise that we took through the city's canals.
We ended our visit with a bit of exploring the city on foot:
The funniest story of the day was that little Alice had a very wiggly tooth all day, and she was very sure it was going to fall out at any moment. As a farewell to Brugge, we stopped and grabbed some ice cream as we hurried to catch our train. We were each eating from our dish along the way. Alice was right behind me, and I heard her say,
"I said I didn't want any ice cream toppings, but I just got a bite of some nuts."
"It's okay," I said, "Just spit them into your napkin - we can't be late."
"I already spit them on the ground."
"Okay, next time in your napkin." And we hurried along.
About 5 minutes later, she exclaimed,
"Wait, my tooth is missing!"
And we quickly realized that the "nuts" she thought were in her ice cream that she spit on the ground was actually her tooth! We went back a bit to try to find it on the ground, but alas, it was lost to the streets of Brugge. We did make our train with moments to spare, and her letter to the Tooth Fairy that night was one for the ages, as was waiting to find out whether the Tooth Fairy brings Euros in Europe (she does!).
