This novel was written by one of the most popular contemporary Flemish writers, Pieter Aspe, who lives in Brugge, Belgium in 2013, and was translated into English.
We are first introduced to two Brugge police officers lazily driving around downtown on their overnight shift, making conversation. In an attempt to appease the younger officer's lovesick heart, our lead character, Inspector Peter Van In, the older officer, pulls up to a jewelry store for his partner to go window shop for engagement rings for his girlfriend. What he sees through the window, however, is quite unexpected, with broken glass and bare shelves, and appears to be a fresh crime scene. What seasoned officer Van In expects to be a routine robbery quickly turns into an elaborate investigation that brings him all over the greater Brugge area, and digging into a family legacy that is full of surprises.
This whodunit mystery was a fun and easy read that definitely kept me turning the pages. When I bought the book, I learned that this is the first book in a series about Inspector Van In, and I got a good deal on the boxed set of the first four books. I won't have time to read all four this week, but once I complete this project, this will be a fun series to revisit.
This book accomplishes exactly what I set out to find in each country as I virtually backpack through Europe - a beloved contemporary novel that gives us rich insights into the culture, people and country we are visiting. This was a fun choice for #Belgium, and I definitely recommend it.