Today, we continue on our virtual backpacking trip through Europe, and our next stop is... France! We will really enjoy an exciting visit - even from afar - to the world's most popular (and for good reason) tourist destination! Let's dig in...
The French are famous and beloved for their food. In fact, there are an average of two new cookbooks published every day there.
The people of France have been awarded the most Nobel Prizes in literature of any country.
Women are technically allowed to wear pants here, as of 2013, thanks to an old law finally removed from the books.
The beloved Tour de France has been running continuously for more than 100 years.
France is the largest country in the EU.
There are more than 400 varieties of cheese produced here.
From 8:00am to 8:00pm, 70% of the music on the radio is required to be French music.
The cameraphone was invented in France.
Turning a baguette upside down is considered unlucky.
Things that are not actually French: French fries; French toast; French kissing; and croissants!
The average French citizen eats 500 snails a year.
11.2 billion glasses of wine are consumed each year in France.
Roundabouts are extremely common - in fact France has more of them than any other country - approximately 60 times more than the runner-up country.
The longest border that France shares with any other country is the border it shares with... Brazil! (Due to the French territory of French Guiana)
Due to some of its far-flung territories, France has the most time zones of any country on Earth - 12!
The French army is the only army in Europe still employing traveling pigeons in its ranks.
The French people average 8.83 hours of sleep per night.
There are more people who speak French in Africa than do in France.
It is illegal to throw out food - unsold but edible food must be donated.