Traveling the World,
One Page, Bite and Scene at a Time
Hello! Welcome to A Broad Wanders Abroad. My name is Lisa Peterson - a broad, abroad! I grew up in Massachusetts in the United States. I live with my husband, Scott; our 11-year-old daughter, Alice; and our beloved cat, Olive. We love traveling! Just about one year ago, in January of 2020, we were presented with the opportunity to fulfill our lifelong dream: the chance to relocate our family to Berlin, Germany for 18 months. We began preparing, and then we were faced with the unimaginable... the global pandemic hit. For months, we were stuck in our home in the states, watching the weeks pass by. Would we even get to go? Would it even make sense?
Then, finally, in August of 2020, wearing masks and face shields, we made our way to Berlin - full of hope that travel would be in our future. As the months have progressed - from lock-down to lock-down, quarantine to quarantine, our opportunity is shrinking. We are centrally located in Europe, and yet, still so very far from visiting our neighboring countries. But, we look out the windows of our apartment, down to European streets and courtyards, and still, we dream.
Until we are able to physically travel, I've made the decision to "travel" throughout Europe, right here on this website - and I'd love for you to tag along! My goal is to dedicate each week to a different European nation and to explore it the best I can from our apartment - some weeks I will read a recommended novel; some weeks I'll watch a TV series or film. I might spend some time listening to a popular music album or making a recipe common to that country. And when the time finally comes to visit in person, we will be even more ready to take in all it has to offer.
Please join me!